SDCC 2015 – ‘Tales of Halloween Anthology’ Trailer Released


If you don’t consider yourself a big horror fan I may have the perfect movie for you. Sometimes if the genre seems too overwhelming in itself a compilation of short scary stories can be the most fun thing too watch. Not too scary, not too much gore, and likely a good amount of comedy will be included.

The trailer for Tales of Halloween premiered at San Diego Comic Con this weekend and the movie already seems likely to be a hit at the box office. It hits theaters on October 16, 2015 and features a series of short stories, all of which take place on Halloween.

The film feature cameos from many notable actors, including horror golden boys John Landis and Joe Dante as well as Booboo Stewart and Sam Witwer. The whole thing takes place through ten stories, all from different directors, that all take place in the same town on Halloween night.

Tales of Halloween is a very welcome departure from the typical horror movies we see – there are no The Strangers-esque psychopaths in this one, but instead the true monsters and ghoulies that made Halloween scary in the first place.

You can check out the trailer below.

Tales of Halloween hits theaters on October 16, 2015.

Oh, and Halloween is officially only 111 days away…

SDCC 2015 – ‘Legends of Tomorrow’ Origin Trailer Released

Legends of Tomorrow
Image belongs to DC Entertainment and The CW. Via Screen Rant

The CW is upping its DC game with Legends of Tomorrow.

A new trailer for the show was released that catches fans up on the various superhero backstories. With direct parallels between comics and TV, it’s super exciting to see all these icons coming together.

The trailer is set up very much like a comic book, with scenes from both mediums interwoven throughout. The CW is growing their DC Universe more and more these days and LoT seems like it will be an awesome addition.

The trailer also included more information on other superheroes we’ll be seeing this fall that The CW hasn’t shown before.

The show will include Rip Hunter (Arthur Darvil), Firestorm (Victor Garber), Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller), Heat Wave (Dominic Purcell), The Atom (Brandon Routh), Hawkgirl (Ciara Renée) and White Canary (Caity Lotz).

Legends of Tomorrow will air in 2016.

SDCC 2015 – ‘Batman v. Superman’ Promo Photo Released

If you wanted more Batman v Superman out of San Diego Comic Con this weekend, you got it. Warner Bros. just released a sick new promo photo specifically for SDCC and it looks awesome.


Following the trailer that was also released at SDCC this weekend, fans are super excited to see even more BvS promotions.

An epic, shrouded by darkness stare down features Ben Affleck’s Batman glowering at Henry Cavill’s equally pissed off Superman.

The film will be directed by Zack Snyder. It will feature Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman and Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor.

Batman v. Superman will be in theaters March 25, 2016.

Photos by Warner Bros.

SDCC 2015 – Joe Quesada Praises New Spider-Man Suit

In an interview with IGN, Marvel Entertainment’s Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada spilled that he has seen the new Spider-Man suit for the upcoming movie and that he loves it. “It looks awesome!” he said. “I think there are elements of it that are really going to blow people away, where they go, ‘Uh, that’s Marvel doing Spider-Man.” While he didn’t go into details about the suit, he is excited for fans to see it.

He also talked a little bit about how happy he is to see the race and gender changes Marvel has made to the characters in its comics. “I love when we do stuff like that, especially when the stories are great. I love when we twist things around and show the flexibility of our characters and how wonderful these icons are… gender switches, ethnicity changes… It’s all the beauty of the Marvel universe. To me as long as the stories are great, I’m along for the ride.” While he can’t confirm or deny any of the newer, more diverse characters getting their own movie, he says that anything is possible moving forward. If only that sentiment had followed into the upcoming Spider-Man movie, with Miles Morales in his own film.

Video and featured image by IGN.

SDCC 2015 – Sherlock Christmas Special Teaser Released

Following the poster release of the much anticipated Sherlock Christmas Special, a brand new teaser was shown at San Diego Comic Con. From deerstalker to snowy streets to silly facial hair, the teaser would make any Sherlock fan tremble with excitement. The teaser shows that while the special will take place in Victorian times, it still holds much of the same modern, British wit the show is known for. It also seems to be poking fun at itself with Watson’s mustache as well as calling out some of the original text’s sexism. Mrs. Hudson objects to Watson’s depictions of her as a simple housemaid in his stories, arguing with him about it as they enter the house. While fans still have two odd years until series four, this teaser for the soon(ish) Christmas special is a good way to combat the hiatus blues.

Unfortunately, show stars Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman, Mark Gatiss and Andrew Scott weren’t able to make it to the convention. Cumberbatch is tied up with playing Hamlet in London, Scott is working on “Spectre 007” and rumors are that Freeman is filming on the next Marvel-related flick. However, Scott, Cumberbatch and Gatiss sent their love and apologies through a witty video.

The Christmas special will be shown in select theaters across the globe alongside its Television release, a smart move given how long the episode will be (90 minutes.) Sherlock always feels more like a mini movie anyway, so it’s no surprise the BCC is finally giving it the large screen it deserves.

Stephen Moffat gave a few hints at the Sherlock panel at SDCC about the fourth series coming out in 2017 saying, “We know very clearly what stories we’re doing for the next season… and the never-stop-crying cliffhangers.” He also said that series four of Sherlock will include even more emotional turmoil for fans who can expect to be “sucker punched into emotional devastation.” He said this with a big smile on his face, which can only mean one thing. Grab the tissues. Gather the alcohol. Prep your ice cream scoops. We’re in for it.

Videos belong to the BBC and Andrew Scott. Feature photo by

SDCC 2015 – “iZombie” Co-Producer Wants to Pen Wonder Woman Movie

Photo by DC Comics
Photo by DC Comics

The world needs a Wonder Woman movie and “iZombie” and “Veronica Mars” co-writer and co-producer Diane Ruggiero-Wright wants to bring it to us. In a recent San Diego Comic Con interview with Comic Book Resource, Ruggiero-Wright expressed a desire to write a film for the super heroine.

“All I want to do in the world is Wonder Woman,” she said in the interview. Ruggiero-Wright is constantly bringing it up to DC Entertainment Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns, trying to pitch him ideas in hopes that he’ll give her the project. “I staple him to things and I’m like, ‘Let me pitch you Wonder Woman.’ And he’s like, ‘You know it’s already happening. They’re filming it right now,’ and I’m like, ‘Yeah, yeah, yeah, but…'”

Though Ruggiero-Wright might not be able to pen the first film, there’s hope for her involvement in a sequel. Personally, I think she’d be a brilliant choice for the franchise. Wonder Woman is about as strong of a female character as you can get and if there’s anyone who can give us that, it’s Ruggiero-Wright. “iZombie” and “Veronica Mars” are just proof of what she can do and it would be nice to see a female writer behind the project, rather than Jason Fuchs whose only real claims to fame are “Ice Age: Continental Drift,” “Pan,” and “Flipper.” Not exactly female centric films. It’s exciting to see Wonder Woman’s film finally being worked on for a 2017 release, but having Ruggiero-Wright behind it would make it so much cooler.

While she might not be writing the film, Ruggiero-Wright is working on a Wonder Woman digital comic which will most likely be part of DC’s digital series “Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman.” Only time will tell if Ruggiero-Wright gets more of the Amazon work she craves and the world deserves.

SDCC 2015 – Con Man Trailer Released at Show Panel

After a hugely successful Indiegogo campaign and months of anticipation from fans, the trailer for the upcoming web series Con Man was released at the show’s Comic Con panel on Thursday, hosted by Nerdist’s Chris Hardwick. Con Man is a sort of spoof on the popular, yet short live Sci-Fi show Firefly and the lives of its actors after its cancelation. The show revolves around Wray Nerely (Alan Tudyk,) an actor who played a pilot on the canceled Sci-Fi show Spectrum alongside the ship’s captain Jack Moore (Nathan Fillion). Jack has gone on to be wildly successful, while Wray is still very much stuck in his past, begrudgingly attending conventions to celebrate his one and only successful project. Naturally, Wrey is more than a little upset about his lack of a colorful resume.

The release of the trailer brings in even more exciting news. While the Indiegogo campaign released many big names that would be on the project (Seth Green, Felicia Day, James Gunn and Gina Torres,) even more stars were announced during the panel and can be seen in the trailer. The cast list includes Tricia Helfer (Battlestar Galactica), Amy Acker (Angel, Dollhouse), Joss Whedon, Sean Maher (Firefly, Eastsiders), Seth Green (Family Guy/Austin Powers), Mindy Sterling (Austin Powers), Jewel Staite, (Firefly), Summer Glau (Firefly, Terminator: SCC), and Sean Astin (Lord of The Rings.) 

The web series will be released exclusively on Vimeo On Demand for $14.99 and is available for pre-order. It’s curious that fans will have to pay for the show, as web series are usually free. It is especially strange given the Whedonverse routes that this is coming out of. Joss Whedon’s web series Doctor Horrible Sing-A-Long Blog was first released for free before going to DVD as was Felicia Day’s The Guild which is still available to watch on YouTube. With the $3.2 million that was raised for the project, one would think Con Man could afford to go the same route. Regardless, the show still seems to be worth every penny.

con man spectrum shot
Shot from Spectrum.

Tudyk has sacrificed a lot for this project. He originally brought it to a television network but was unsuccessful, which led him to take to Indiegogo instead. He even loss his agents over the show because he decided to take time off during pilot season to dedicate himself to the production of the show. “My agents fired me,” Tudyk said. “I said, ‘I can do something in six months.’ They said, ‘Yeeeaaah, we’d be happy for you to do that with someone else.’ ” Tudyk took the risk anyway. This show means the world to him.

The most difficult part for Tudyk was getting people outside of his friend group involved. Many agents are wary of web content and wouldn’t even tell their client that they had been approached for the project. They didn’t want to take the risk, much like his own agents. “There is a sort of firewall,” Hardwick said about how the agent/talent dynamic sometimes works. Tudyk said that he is hoping that Con Man will show the film industry just how lucrative the web can be. Felicia Day believes it could “blow up the world the way Doctor Horrible did.” So far, this doesn’t seem like a far off claim.

Another cool thing that came out of the panel was a marriage proposal between leading visual effects artist Billy Brooks and makeup artist Barry Bishop after Tudyk invited them on stage. Bishop tearfully said yes. “We were born and raised in the deep south, and now we can go to our home states and get married,” Brookes said.

Photo by Comic Book Resource
Photo by Comic Book Resource

Things are definitely looking awesome for this group of creators. Con Man will release September 30. There is no word yet on Bishop and Brookes’ wedding date, but is certain to be equally exciting.

Grant Morrison is Going to Ruin Christmas With “Klaus”

Grant Morrison, who just wrapped up DC Comics’ Multiversity run in April 2015, has announced that he will be collaborating with BOOM! Studios to bring Klaus to shelves this November.

Before you let good old Saint Nick down your chimney, don’t you want to know who this shady foreigner REALLY is? Klaus serves as an origin story/Earth 2 version of the jolly fellow. Morrison is at his best when he gets to make his own version of a character, not shackled to an archetype with no room for translation. The focus of Klaus is not to shock and disturb – although it’s not something I’d get my mom for Christmas. It seems like a genuine attempt to at least make Santa relevant, “cool,” and forgive me – even a bit of a badass. instead of the fat old gift-giver he’s grown to be.

klaus grant morrison
Image credited to

Joining Morrison will be artist Dan Mora, whose digital art is some of the best in the industry. Check more about him here.

In today’s comic book industry, where every single character needs an origin story, it’s easy to brush Klaus off as malarkey. However, the fact that Grant Morrison is writing it means it’s got to have some substance… right? Keep a look-out for this to be coming to stores this November.

Source: CBR

Batman Day – Best Collectibles

DC Comics has dubbed today Batman Day. The Dark Knight has been fighting crime and serving justice for his 75th year since the 1939 debut of Detective Comics #27. Batman has been a big part of our lives, and was responsible for making us into the comic book fanatics we are today, whether it be through comic books and toys or television and movies. To show our appreciation for the man, the myth and the legend, we have compiled a plethora of Bat-themed lists. We hope that we can inspire you to read more about Batman and his legacy, or even give us some feedback if you agree or disagree with the lists. Sound off below! And click on the picture below to take you to all of our Batman Day articles.


batman day logo



Top 20 Collectibles

Not only does Batman have the best gadgets, but he also is the driving force behind the best collection of action figures, statues and replicas out. Whether it’s an affordable item that you add to your display case or just something to ogle at because nobody in their right mind would spend money on it, there are some great collectibles out there. There was absolutely no way to complete this list without missing a fair share of great items, so here are 20 of what I consider the coolest collectibles to add to your collection. Are there any toys, replicas or eye that I’m missing? Let me know in the comments below.


20.) The Dark Knight Rises Bane vs. Batman Statue



19.) Tim Burton’s Batman Mime Joker

mime joker (10)

18.) New52 Box Set of Court of Owls and Death of the Family



17.) Sideshow Collectibles Harley Quinn statue



16.) Batman Hush Action Figure – DC Artist Signature Series



15.) Life-size Batman Statue



14.) The Dark Knight Rises Cowl BD Set



13.) Lifesize Bat-Signal



12.) Capullo Designer Series Figures



11.) Harley Quinn-Joker Mad Love Two-Pack



10.) Eagle Moss Batman Chess Set



9.) Green Lantern Batman



8.) Arkham City Riddler Trophy



7.) Kotobukiya ART FX+ Statue



6.) Batman vs. Killer Croc Statue



5.) Nightwing Arsenal Set from Arkham City



4.) Batman vs. Superman: The Dark Knight Returns statue



3.) Batman: A Call to Arms from The Dark Knight Returns



2.) Batman and Catwoman: Kissing the Knight Statue



1.) Batman: Black and White Statues

Graphic Novel Review – Saga: Volume One

Graphic Novel Review: Saga: Volume One 

Collecting: Saga #1-6

Original Release Date: 2012

Publisher: Image Comics


Characters:  Alana, Marko, Hazel, Prince Robot IV, The Will, Izabel, The Stalk

Writer: Brian K. Vaughn

Artist: Fiona Staples

SCORECARD (each category ranked on a 10-point scale):

Storyline – 8
Art – 10
Captivity and Length – 10
Identity – 10
Use of Medium – 8
Depth – 7
Fluidity – 9
Intrigue/Originality – 9
The Little Things – 10
Overall awesomeness – 10


 Imagine if The Hobbit, Firefly and Star Wars had monkey sex and left a wet spot in the form of a comic. Saga is one of those rare gems that comes once a generation. Writer extraordinaire Brian Vaughn, of TV’s Lost, and comics, Y: The Last Man is paired with Fiona Staples, total hottie and penciler of books like North 40 and Jonah Hex. The result is a space opera like none you have seen before. If you can envision what all of your 5th grade, overly sexualized pictures would look like if they had space ships and laser pistols, you’d have Saga.

Volume one is the trade version of issues 1-6, originally published in 2012. Once again, Image Comics pushes the boundaries, almost as often as they push back release dates, and gives us a comic worthy of fan-boy argument and minimum orders at your local comic shop.
The story follows two lovebirds born on opposite sides of a galactic war. Take away the horns and wings and Marko and Alana are Kirk Cobain and Courtney Love, or a less violent hipster version of Mickey and Mallory.
Plot Alert!
Our heroine, Alana is from a planet called Landfall and Marko is from a planet called
Wreath. The two planets have been at war longer than anyone can remember. They fell in love and had a mixed species baby. This baby is the reason why they are being hunted by both species.
Our interstellar lovers begin their adventure with the birth of their daughter and our narrator, Hazel.  Its probably the most kick-ass birth ever in a comic. Immediately, they are confronted by an army of angry elk dudes and another group of guys that look like the cops from Demolition Man with wings.
If I sound a little gushy, it’s probably because Fiona Staples single handedly kept my faith in comics alive last year with this title.  Hell, she damn near created a whole new religion, fully equipped with sister-wives, Kool-aid flavored arsenic, and snake charming. So pardon me if I sound a little fanboy while reading my signed copy. This comic doesn’t answer the question, did Greedo shoot first? But it does stir a pot of middle school giddiness once you read a page or two.
There is a post war, atomic era feel to Staples work. Saga is reminiscent of Dan Stevens Rocketeer epic. Vaughn’s humor compliments her sarcastic facial expressions and the book reads like a still frame sitcom.
Magic is a common weapon and spells are often cast to thwart enemies in this universe. But there is also a healthy dose of light-saber’esk swordplay.
The Will, a freelance bounty hunter hired to find our couple, looks like what Han Solo would have if he’d been played by Bruce Willis.
Our thrift-shop, Gluten-free heroes find themselves in more trouble than they can handle and end up befriending the half torso ghost of a dead emmo-girl named Izabel. Zoinks!
I can only empathize with Mr. and Mrs. Staples having to explain to little Fiona why her art wasn’t suitable for the fridge. The opening scene in chapter four with Will walking through Sextillion is disturbing, but you won’t stop smiling all while trying not to feel guilty about it. There are plenty enough dicks and tits to make you feel like your comic should have come sealed in a plastic bag and sold behind a black curtain.
Overall the story is simple, but the humor is hard to deny. This book is vulgar, sardonic and voguish and I bet George Carlin would have loved it. Volume one has more than enough to keep the reader interested and in anticipation of more Superbad inspired notebook doodles of dicks and spaceships. Bravo for Saga.

      Related Books: Saga Volume Two, and all comic Issues #1-13 

      More by the writer: Brian Vaughn is an official Bad-Ass. He has written for everything you like. The list is too long to do justice. It includes Captain America, X-Men and Spider-Man.  He has even crossed universes and written for the guy with the cape and cowl and the other dude with the green bling. Not to mention Y: The Last Man is one of the best titles of this decade and has won numerous awards. Oh, and then there is ABC’s Lost.

More by the artist: Fiona Staples is pretty much the best thing in comics right now. She has worked her way through the industry and is co-creator of one of the most popular titles on the market, Saga. She has done a ton of cover art for multiple titles, including, The Walking Dead, Red Sonja and Superman/Batman. Watch out comic-book heads! This inkstress is already making a big impact on the industry, and this is only the beginning!  Cue spooky villain sound track.

Written by John Soweto