Best of 2014: Comic Books

Another year is in the books, and we here at Hush Comics couldn’t pass at the chance to rank our favorites of this year’s releases in all types of mediums. Some of the winners will surprise you; heck, some of the results surprised  us. The results are completely subjective, and therefore were chosen with infallible logic. We would love to hear your opinions on what we have chosen, or if you thought we missed anything. This should be a fun review before we gear up for 2015.

hush best of 2014
Click on the link to take you to the “Best of 2014” homepage for all categories.

This year’s nominations are…

Best Comic Book Series (Monthly On-going)

  • DC Comics – Batman (Scott Snyder & Greg Capullo)
  • Image Comics – Black Science (Rick Remender & Matteo Scalera)
  • Image Comics – Saga (Brian K Vaughan & Fiona Staples)
  • IDW Comics – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Tom Waltz & Mateo Santolouco/Ross Campbell)
  • Image Comics – The Walking Dead (Robert Kirkman & Charlie Adlard)

Results here.

Best Story Arc

  • DC Comics – Batman: Zero Year (Scott Snyder & Greg Capullo)
  • DC Comics – Batman: Endgame (Scott Snyder & Greg Capullo)
  • Marvel Comics – Spider-Verse (Various writers and artists)
  • DC Comics – Forever Evil (Geoff Johns & David Finch)
  • DC Comics – Multiversity (Grant Morrison & various artists)

Results here.

Best Creative Team

  • Brian K Vaughan & Fiona Staples – Saga (Image Comics)
  • John Layman & Rob Guillory – Chew (Image Comics)
  • Robert Kirkman & Charlie Adlard – The Walking Dead (Image Comics)
  • Scott Snyder & Greg Capullo – Batman (DC Comics)
  • Tom Waltz & Mateo Santolouco – TMNT (IDW Comics)

Results here.

Best Writer

  • Geoff Johns – Superman (DC Comics), Justice League (DC Comics), Forever Evil (DC Comics)
  • Josh Williamson – NailbiterBirthright (Image Comics), Captain Midnight (Dark Horse Comics)
  • Matt Fraction – Hawkeye (Marvel Comics), Sex Criminals, Satellite SamOdy-C (Image Comics)
  • Rick Remender – Black Science, Deadly Class, Low (Image Comics)
  • Scott Snyder – Batman, Superman: UnchainedThe WakeAmerican Vampire (DC Comics), Wytches (Image Comics)

Results here.

Best Artist

  • Fiona Staples – Saga (Image Comics)
  • Greg Capullo – Batman (DC Comics)
  • Leila del Duca – Shutter (Image Comics)
  • Mateus Santolouco – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (IDW Comics)
  • Mike Henderson – Nailbiter (Image Comics)

Results here.

Best New Comic Book Series

  • Image Comics – Deadly Class (Rick Remender & Wes Craig)
  • Marvel Comics – Ms. Marvel (G. Willow Wilson & Adrian Alphona)
  • Marvel Comics – Moon Knight (Warren Ellis/Brian Wood & Declan Shalvey/Greg Smallwood)
  • Image Comics – Nailbiter (Joshua Williamson & Mike Henderson)
  • Image Comics – Shutter (Joe Keatinge & Leila del Duca)

Results here.

Best Comic Book Mini-Series

  • Marvel Comics – Deadpool vs. Carnage (Cullen Bunn & Salva Espin)
  • Marvel Comics – Edge of Spider-Verse (Various writers and artists)
  • Marvel Comics – Hawkeye vs. Deadpool (Gerry Duggan & James Harren)
  • Vertigo Comics – Sandman: Overture (Neil Gaiman & JH Williams III)
  • Dark Horse Comics – Serenity: Leaves on the Wind (Zach Whedon & Georges Jeanty)

Results here.

Onto: Best of 2014 – Movies

Best of 2014: Comic Books – Best Mini-Series

Another year is in the books, and we here at Hush Comics couldn’t pass at the chance to rank our favorites of this year’s releases in all types of mediums. Some of the winners will surprise you; heck, some of the results surprised  us. The results are completely subjective, and therefore were chosen with infallible logic. We would love to hear your opinions on what we have chosen, or if you thought we missed anything. This should be a fun review before we gear up for 2015.

hush best of 2014
Click on the link to take you to the “Best of 2014” homepage.

Best Comic Book Mini-Series

  • Marvel Comics – Deadpool vs. Carnage (Cullen Bunn & Salva Espin)
  • Marvel Comics – Edge of Spider-Verse (Various writers and artists)
  • Marvel Comics – Hawkeye vs. Deadpool (Gerry Duggan & James Harren)
  • Vertigo Comics – Sandman: Overture (Neil Gaiman & JH Williams III)
  • Dark Horse Comics – Serenity: Leaves on the Wind (Zach Whedon & Georges Jeanty)

WINNER – Serenity: Leaves on the Wind (Whedon/Jeanty)

FIREFLY! I was so excited when this series first came out and remained excited issue to issue. Like every Browncoat out there, I can never get enough of all things Firefly and seeing what our ragtag team of rebels got up to after the events of the film Serenity was a dream come true. The plot was well placed and characters as diverse and wonderfully-flawed as ever. This is the comic that made me most jived this year and I was really sad to see it end. Speaking of it ending: holy cliffhanger Batman! For someone who has historically steered clear of cliffhangers, Joss Whedon sure did end this series on one. I got to talk to artist Georges Jeanty at Denver Comic Con for a little bit (Adrian did too. Check out her interview here!) and when I asked him why Leaves on the Wind was ending so soon he said that the Whedons don’t write something if there isn’t a story. He doesn’t force anything. Does that mean there isn’t a great Firefly story down the line? No, but for now we have an amazing comic with hope of something more whenever Joss has a story in mind for our favorite, little, cargo ship. – Charlotte

Second Place – Edge of Spider-Verse (various)

edge of spider-verse 2 mini series best of 2014
Edge of Spider-Verse #2

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if Spider-Man was a villain? What if instead of Peter Parker getting bit by a genetically-modified spider, it was Gwen Stacy? What if Spider-Man wore a mechanical suit instead of revealing spandex? What if Spider-man was a kid? What if, what if, what if?! Well, lucky for us pontificators, Marvel was also curious! Hence, they decided to bring fans Edge of the Spider-Verse mini-series. In all five issues of the series we got to experience alternate versions of Spider-Man and their vastly different backgrounds and rise to power. Stories ranged from playful, whimsical and adventurous to dark, creepy and thrilling. It was great to witness the creativity and how the multiple writers and artists that were involved with this event interpreted the wall crawling hero. It was the perfect draw-in for the Spider-Verse event that came right on this events heels. My personal favorite was the Japan-residing Aaron Aikman that wore a mecha-Spider-suit and squared off against a most deadly cyborg named Naamurah. This issue was captivating and a lot of fun to read. As were all the issues in this mini-series. Hush definitely puts the Edge of the Spider-Verse mini-series as one of, if not THE, best mini-series of the year. – Taylor

Third Place – Deadpool vs. Carnage (Bunn/Espin)

deadpool v carnage 2 miniseries best of 2014
Deadpool vs. Carnage #2


The biggest mouth in the business goes against the craziest symbiote in the universe. What could go wrong? I don’t remember a single thing that I liked about Carnage but Deadpool was hilarious. It really is worth a read, especially only at four issues long, just for the Deadpool dialog alone. There are too many little jokes or panels to describe here, but the series was a riot from beginning to end. If Deadpool isn’t one of your favorite characters after reading this, nothing can convince you of his awesomeness. – Robert

RUNNER UP – Hawkeye vs. Deadpool (Remender/Craig)

Hawkeye vs. Deadpool #1
Hawkeye vs. Deadpool #1

Deadpool does not get along with anybody, apparently. In the past couple years, Deadpool has taken on the entire Marvel Universe, along with classic literature, and the end result has been more or less the same – Deadpool murders everything. What if Deadpool actually got along with the one he shares the title with (or not; we really still don’t know)? Hawkeye vs. Deadpool is the buddy cop book we didn’t know we wanted, sticking the bumbling idiot with the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent has been nothing but enjoyment. – Sherif

RUNNER UP – Sandman: Overture (Gaiman/Williams)

Sandman: Overture #1
Sandman: Overture #1

As a great man once said, “I have a Dream,” and that Dream was once pulled abruptly away from his realm and forced to spend seventy years as a prisoner to his captors.  Why was the almighty Dream of The Endless able to be captured by a few mere mortals seemingly playing around with Satanic rituals they clearly did not understand?  This is the question Sandman enthusiasts have been debating since the final issue of Sandman.  Finally, Neil Gaiman has returned to the series, with the aid of J.H. Williams psychedelic and outstanding artwork, to deliver a prequel that will address this conundrum and put many theories to rest. – Jake

Next Category: Best of 2014 Movies

Best of 2014: Comic Books – Best Artist

Another year is in the books, and we here at Hush Comics couldn’t pass at the chance to rank our favorites of this year’s releases in all types of mediums. Some of the winners will surprise you; heck, some of the results surprised  us. The results are completely subjective, and therefore were chosen with infallible logic. We would love to hear your opinions on what we have chosen, or if you thought we missed anything. This should be a fun review before we gear up for 2015.

hush best of 2014
Click on the link to take you to the “Best of 2014” homepage.

Best Comic Book Artist

  • Fiona Staples – Saga (Image Comics)
  • Greg Capullo – Batman (DC Comics)
  • Leila del Duca – Shutter (Image Comics)
  • Mateus Santolouco – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (IDW Comics)
  • Mike Henderson – Nailbiter (Image Comics)

WINNER – Greg Capullo

This guy right here, he could make anything look good. When we interviewed him in May, he even made us look good and each month, he makes Scott Snyder look good, as well. A fair amount of thanks go to Snyder and his colorist FCO Plascencia, but this self-taught artist gets a lion’s share of the credit for why Batman is the best book in the industry. Thanks to years of pencilling Spawn, Capullo has the terrifying down-pat, but Capullo has also made the panels of Batman undeniably beautiful at times. As a Batfan, I hope he sticks around forever, but if he chooses to leave the series come issue #50, I will follow him wherever he goes. – Sherif

Second Place – Fiona Staples

Saga #19
Saga #19

All I have to say here is go read Saga and you’ll see why Fiona Staples deserves to be the top rated artist from this year. Her slightly sketchy style of lines adds a fantastically whimsical quality to every page. Even when the story line hits overly serious notes Fiona’s artwork adds a hint of magic to what’s happening in the scene. I’m not the only one who thinks she deserves every accolade she receives. With nine award nominations, six of which she won, it’s clear to see she towers above almost all of her peers. On top of doing the art for Saga, she was just picked to do the art for the new Archie comics. To be tapped to draw the next generation of one of the longest running series of comics ever written speaks more than any award. – Scott

Third Place – Mike Henderson

Nailbiter #2
Nailbiter #2

There’s no harder job in a horror story comic book than making it look frightening, yet still keeping the technique so crisp. Sure, you could go the route of Jock, who does the psychotic, manic art on Wytches, but I find so much more substance in Mike Henderson’s Nailbiter art. Nailbiter has just the right amount of terrifying mixed in with beautifully drawn backgrounds and character models. What makes me love Henderson’s art so much is that he doesn’t get in the way of the story to try to boast. There are times that I completely forget I am reading a comic book because I get lost in the flow of the art; it feels like I am watching a horror film. To boot, the guy is a phenomenally diverse artist with a lot of love for other work. I look forward to being scared shitless by Mike Henderson in 2015. – Sherif

RUNNER UP – Mateus Santolouco

TMNT #38
TMNT #38

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have been around for nearly 30 years, and with all the different versions that have been released in comic book form, nobody has done as well as Mateus Santolouco has at making me feel the same joy I felt when I first got into the Heroes in a Half-Shell. Not only do the turtles look great, but the slew of other mutants (ugly and beautiful) look perfect, too. It’s as if he studied to see what Kevin Eastman’s work would look like in the future. After kicking butt in last year’s Secret of the Foot Clan and City Fall, Santolouco continues his strong run with the debut of the Mutanimals, leading up to an impending war between Shredder and Krang. – Sherif

RUNNER UP – Leila del Duca

leila del duca artist shutter 2 best of 2014

I want to first say: I knew her before she got big, so that makes me better than everyone. I met her at a tiny little event called the Cow Town Comi-Con on the top floor of The Tattered Cover where she was selling original art for a personal project. Instantly, I told her she needed to be working for Marvel or Image or someone. Fast forward just a couple of years, and ta-da: artist on the fantastically popular Shutter. While she wasn’t born in Denver, I feel like Denver gets credit for her since she did live, work, and get her education here. – Cuyler

Next Category: Best New Series

Best of 2014: Comic Books – Best Writer

Another year is in the books, and we here at Hush Comics couldn’t pass at the chance to rank our favorites of this year’s releases in all types of mediums. Some of the winners will surprise you; heck, some of the results surprised  us. The results are completely subjective, and therefore were chosen with infallible logic. We would love to hear your opinions on what we have chosen, or if you thought we missed anything. This should be a fun review before we gear up for 2015.

hush best of 2014
Click on the link to take you to the “Best of 2014” homepage.

Best Comic Book Writer

  • Geoff Johns – Superman (DC Comics), Justice League (DC Comics), Forever Evil (DC Comics)
  • Josh Williamson – NailbiterBirthright (Image Comics), Captain Midnight (Dark Horse Comics)
  • Matt Fraction – Hawkeye (Marvel Comics), Sex Criminals, Satellite SamOdy-C (Image Comics)
  • Rick Remender – Black Science, Deadly Class, Low (Image Comics)
  • Scott Snyder – Batman, Superman: UnchainedThe WakeAmerican Vampire (DC Comics), Wytches (Image Comics)

WINNER – Scott Snyder

Batman, Superman Unchained, The Wake, Wytches.  The man is a comic book writing machine.  And just because he writes a lot doesn’t mean his quality comes down either.  After all, he does have an MFA from Ivy League university Columbia; the man knows what he is doing. And he is making fanboys and fangirls around the globe very happy with his work.  – Adrian

Second Place – Josh Williamson

josh williamson writer nailbiter 7 best of 2014
Nailbiter #7


For me, 2014 was the year of Josh Williamson, and I’m pretty sure that’s exactly how he wanted it. He was previously known for GHOSTED, but in 2014 Williamson launched two new series both of which have been pretty darn well received by their audiences and critics. Nailbiter is one of the most original and psychologically terrifying horror books to come out in 2014, but Josh apparently wasn’t done there; he decided to break the mold for fantasy books as well when Birthright came out in October. Williamson has a great career in the world of comics, especially for being less than 30 years told, and his unique take to storytelling is no doubt a huge factor in his success. If you’re not a fan or simply haven’t read his books yet do yourself a service and pick them up now. You can thank me later by sending me a nice bottle of wine. Or cookies. – Keriann

Third Place – Matt Fraction

Hawkeye #17
Hawkeye #17

Sure, he looks like Harry Potter’s dad, but Matt Fraction would never make fun of a muggle. Fraction has put in some good work with Marvel over the years, but this year has been an exceptional year for him. With Sex Criminals, Fraction and artist Chip Zdarsky have pushed the boundaries of censorship, and his Hawkeye run has been one of the highest-grossing books Marvel has in its lineup. Both of those books have netted him an Eisner Award in 2014. Recently, he has been the writer of Ody-C, an outer space interpretation of Homer’s The Odyssey. If you’re ever bored, check out his Twitter page, where his display name is “butt stuff reindeer.” He’s kind of a weirdo, and I mean that in a good way. – Sherif

RUNNER UP – Geoff Johns

Superman #35
Superman #35

If there was a crown for most consistently badass comic book writer, it would go to Geoff Johns. He’s like a reckless magician, introducing amazing and interesting new characters, and then vanishing before they ever really get a chance to live up to their potential or be fully fleshed out. I wish Johns could just write Justice League and Superman forever (not to mention Green Lantern, a book which he ended his ten year run on last year). Where Johns really gets it right is that he sees and plans the big picture before we even see the first panel; there is a plot of planning – logical planning – that go into a Johns story, and where you end up is exactly where you were meant to, and whether or not you saw it coming, you can’t believe that nobody ever thought to do this before. – Sherif

RUNNER UP – Rick Remender

remender black science 6 best of 2014
Black Science #6


With a pen of righteous glory, Rick Remender has a thing or two he could teach other comic book writers.  This year Remender killed it this year with Black Science.  His masterful way of telling a single story through the eyes of many (with vastly different viewpoints) resulted in me giving standing ovations in the middle of my living room.  Each character he brought to the page had something new to offer.  No one character was driving this ship and that made for very memorable reading.  Remender also knows what it means to let a story drive a genre.  Black Science is all about multidimensional travel – very sci-fi heavy.  But if you were to read an issue with just text and conversation bubbles and all blank panels you’d probably find yourself just as intrigued and captivated.  That’s the sign of a truly good writer.  That’s why Rick Remender is Hush’s writer of the year. – Taylor

Next category: Best Comic Book Artist

Best of 2014: Comic Books – Best Creative Team

Another year is in the books, and we here at Hush Comics couldn’t pass at the chance to rank our favorites of this year’s releases in all types of mediums. Some of the winners will surprise you; heck, some of the results surprised  us. The results are completely subjective, and therefore were chosen with infallible logic. We would love to hear your opinions on what we have chosen, or if you thought we missed anything. This should be a fun review before we gear up for 2015.

hush best of 2014
Click on the link to take you to the “Best of 2014” homepage.

Best Comic Book Creative Team

  • Brian K Vaughan & Fiona Staples – Saga (Image Comics)
  • John Layman & Rob Guillory – Chew (Image Comics)
  • Robert Kirkman & Charlie Adlard – The Walking Dead (Image Comics)
  • Scott Snyder & Greg Capullo – Batman (DC Comics)
  • Tom Waltz & Mateo Santolouco – TMNT (IDW Comics)

WINNER – Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples (Saga)

Saga is the best comic book series I’ve ever read.  Point blank. Hands down.  No debate.  Brian K. Vaughn and Fiona Staples firmly have my heart in their grasp.  These two brilliantly talented individuals have crafted such an incredibly enchanting, detailed and (most critically) original universe.  The characters are relatable and dynamic – a pretty impressive feat considering the cast is composed entirely of odd alien life forms.  The surroundings and environments are beautiful.  The plot is layered and interesting at every level.  I even love how awkward this team can make me feel!!  Panels of the Fard and Stalk-sex belong in the comic book hall of fame.  In a time of sequels, remakes, and based-on works it’s a breath of fresh air – more like a tank of oxygen at the peak of Mt. Everest – to have Vaughn and Staples teamed up.  These two are unequivocally the most creative comic book duo out there.  Now if only they could get on a regular release schedule! – Taylor

Second Place – Robert Kirkman & Charlie Adlard (The Walking Dead)

The Walking Dead #128
The Walking Dead #128

These two creators have worked on over 100 issues of The Walking Dead together for over ten years. They are the Simon and Garfunkel of comic books, and they have one of the best relationships of any book out. Their creative direction syncs so well; minimal exposition means that the story is told through images often-times better than it is through words. It’s been a long journey, and one that does look to be slowing down anytime soon. – Sherif

Third Place – Scott Snyder & Greg Capullo (Batman)

Batman #32
Batman #32

Every month, when I read Batman, I feel so small compared to these geniuses.  They are the real deal, people.  After 37 issues into their book, they know how the other one works to a tee.  Snyder’s storytelling is compelling. Capullo’s art is top notch.  Together, their story is the best in the biz.  Each of them work incredibly hard to get out the quality of book they have, and one without the other would disrupt the whole process.  Gah!  I could gush over these two all day! – Adrian

RUNNER UP – Tom Waltz & Mateus Santolouco (TMNT)

creative team tmnt 39 best of 2014
TMNT #39


A lot of people tend to think the TMNT carry themselves and that it is easy to pull them off. With Waltz and Santolouco, however, their own take on the turtles includes additions from just about every incarnation of the turtles, appeasing all generations of fans. It’s not all just a jam-packed love story, though; the consistency of good story-telling has increased my love for TMNT so much more than is was – which was borderline insane in the first place. I find that even though I have enjoyed the issues in the TMNT series not written and drawn by Waltz and Santolouco to be fun and just as engaging at time these two have almost become the staple of this series for this year and have created some of the best stories for these characters I have ever seen, plus I have a soft spot for Herman the Hermit crab which debuted a couple issue ago, whom was designed by Santolouco. – Jacob


RUNNER UP – John Layman & Rob Guillory (Chew)

Chew: Volume 8
Chew: Volume 8

Chew is a juggernaut of awesome. Layman and Guillory have put together what is by far one of the most comical series ever created. We find this year that a bit of toe can go a long way. Layman proves his writing chops by not only having one of the most popular creator owned books on the market has recently been seen writing one of the most popular characters of all time, Batman. On top of doing Godzilla, paring up with a major motion picture release, I think we can all recognize John Layman as one of comics current top writers. Rob Guillory has one of the most definitive art styles of any artist currently working. The exaggerated character styles and even the little easter eggs he works into every panel make Chew more visually appealing than the majority of books currently on the market. Combined they become something on the power level of Captain Planet, BUT THERE’S ONLY TWO OF THEM! – Scott

Next Category: Best Comic Book Writer

Best of 2014: Comic Books – Best Story Arc

Another year is in the books, and we here at Hush Comics couldn’t pass at the chance to rank our favorites of this year’s releases in all types of mediums. Some of the winners will surprise you; heck, some of the results surprised  us. The results are completely subjective, and therefore were chosen with infallible logic. We would love to hear your opinions on what we have chosen, or if you thought we missed anything. This should be a fun review before we gear up for 2015.

hush best of 2014
Click on the link to take you to the “Best of 2014” homepage.

Best Comic Book Story Arc

  • DC Comics – Batman: Zero Year (Scott Snyder & Greg Capullo)
  • DC Comics – Batman: Endgame (Scott Snyder & Greg Capullo)
  • Marvel Comics – Spider-Verse (Various writers and artists)
  • DC Comics – Forever Evil (Geoff Johns & David Finch)
  • DC Comics – Multiversity (Grant Morrison & various artists)

WINNER – Spider-Verse (Marvel Comics)


I think it’s official. Spider-Man is my new favorite superhero. I can’t say that I actually ever had an original favorite. Being a fanatic Star Wars kid I don’t tend to focus on “superheroes” to often. I’ll tell you what though – the feelings I felt during the Spider-Verse events were synonymous to the feelings of watching A New Hope the first time. There were so many aspects that made the Spider-Verse event fantastic. The well-conceived plot, the intriguing villains, and clear & solid use of multidimensional travel all amplified the enjoyment of this event. But what made the Spider-Verse event “the best” all year long was getting to experience the vast variety of other-dimension Spider-Men and Spider-Women. Each issue hosted a new hero or gave us eye-popping insight into new worlds. The energy and creativity spawned from this event has been palpable. The event has been a ton of fun for fans and creators alike. The best part is that it’s not over. The first part of 2015 will keep the web-slingers busy as they try to survive the onslaught of the Inheritors. If the event maintains its awesomeness it may end up being the best of 2015. – Taylor

Second Place – Batman: Zero Year (DC Comics)

Batman zero year best of 2014
Batman #30


We know Bruce Wayne’s parents got shot, and we know that he did some stuff and then became Batman (Year One, mostly). But what the hell kind of stuff did he do to become Batman? Seems pretty important, right? Scott Snyder sure thought so. Zero Year is quite possibly the best Batman origin story I have ever read (Frank Miller, eat your heart out). Snyder and Capullo show they’re all in by paying homage to the original Bob Kane/Bill Finger lore – peep the stylish purple gloves – but still make the story their own by creating a whole new world. I was almost disappointed to return to the present, but then Endgame came along… – Sherif

Third Place – Multiversity (DC Comics)

Multiversity: Thunderworld Adventure #1
Multiversity: Thunderworld #1

How to even begin describing Multivesity? It’s Grant Morrison’s personal cosmology given comic book form using the shape of DC. Every month for eight issues, Morrison creates a new what-if in DC’s expansive universe, sometimes creating alternate versions of characters, new characters, or old characters in alternate situations. The only bummer is it’s eight issues instead of fifty-two. – Cuyler

RUNNER UP – Forever Evil (DC Comics)

Forever Evil #1
Forever Evil #1

As exciting as DC Comics can get, a lot of their ideas in the New52 are just recycled stories from the 70’s and 80’s. So when Forever Evil looked to be nothing more than a redo of Crisis on Infinite Earths, I set my phasor to “meh.” Right away though, I was hooked when they publicly revealed the identity of one of my favorite characters. It was another thrill entirely to watch the Justice League fight their way back from a very near edge of demise, and defeat a force so powerful that full repercussions haven’t even been felt yet. If you like alternate universe stories (like the new Spider-Verse, for example), then this story should be at the top of your list, too. – Sherif

RUNNER UP – Batman: Endgame (DC Comics)

Batman #35
Batman #35

It’s true that we don’t even know how Batman: Endgame will end, but I don’t care, it has been my favorite of the year.  Only three issues in, and it is the comic I look forward to every month.  The Joker’s pranks are absolutely chilling.  Batman isn’t as calm and composed as he usually is.  Gotham is going through a Joker-pocolypse.  Things look grim, but when a comic book can leave me on the edge of my seat, I’d say it’s a winner. – Adrian

Next Category: Best Creative Team

Best of 2014: Comic Books – Best New Series

Another year is in the books, and we here at Hush Comics couldn’t pass at the chance to rank our favorites of this year’s releases in all types of mediums. Some of the winners will surprise you; heck, some of the results surprised  us. The results are completely subjective, and therefore were chosen with infallible logic. We would love to hear your opinions on what we have chosen, or if you thought we missed anything. This should be a fun review before we gear up for 2015.

hush best of 2014
Click on the link to take you to the “Best of 2014” homepage.

Best New Comic Book Series

  • Image Comics – Deadly Class (Rick Remender & Wes Craig)
  • Marvel Comics – Ms. Marvel (G. Willow Wilson & Adrian Alphona)
  • Marvel Comics – Moon Knight (Warren Ellis/Brian Wood & Declan Shalvey/Greg Smallwood)
  • Image Comics – Nailbiter (Joshua Williamson & Mike Henderson)
  • Image Comics – Shutter (Joe Keatinge & Leila del Duca)

WINNER – Nailbiter (Williamson/Henderson)

I love dark humor, and Nailbiter is chock full of it.  Nailbiter tells the tale of a town in Oregon that is home to a few too many serial killers.  People travel there to visit the murder store.  That alone is hilarious.  There are a slew of new murders occurring, and the police are involved.  We are slowly getting to meet the different killers and townsfolk, but the main killer, Nailbiter, is by far the best character in the series.  I look forward to this book every month, and am sure 2015 will bring out some very interesting things about the people of the small town.  Congrats to Joshua Williamson and Mike Henderson for an amazing story.  Job well done! – Adrian

Second Place – Shutter (Keatinge/del Duca)

Shutter #2
Shutter #2

“Superhero this, superhero that. I want something different. I want… I want a vast and mysterious world full of danger at every corner. I want a gang of lions fighting with actual ghost ninjas, and ruthless assassins riding triceratops into battle and and and… the main character has to have a cute, unassuming companion. A pet. But not just any pet; let’s make it a ridiculous Japanese-inspired alarm clock cat. Oh, and it has to have a kick-ass artist like, uh… who’s that girl from Denver? Leila del Duca? Yeah, definitely her. Wait, what’s that? There’s a book like that out already? Hell yeah I will pick that up” – you after reading this

Third Place – Moon Knight (Warren Ellis/Declan Shalvey)

Moon Knight #2
Moon Knight #2

He’s the one they always see coming.  That’s the way he wants it.  He wants them to know in the moments before he ends them that they never had a chance.  This is the core of Marc Specter, Moon Knight.  Marvel revived the Moon Knight title this year.  I’d never heard of the hero before this year, but at the suggestion of a friend I picked it up.  Best. Decision. Ever!  For those unfamiliar, Moon Knight is a hero with very unique powers granted to him by the Egyptian deity Khonshu.  If he’s not kicking butt in his blindingly white three-piece suit, he’s doing it in his ancient Egyptian heavy armor.  In one word, Moon Knight is awesome.  I tend to use that term often, but after reading Moon Knight this year my “awesome-bar” has been raised quite high.  Thus I will be using it much more seldom in 2015.  I’m glad to know that a main arc for this series has just begun.  2015 should be an eventful year for Marc as he fights the evil that lurks in the darkness.  Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to my search for my own suit of magical, ancient Egyptian armor.  I don’t know if I can face 2015 without it. – Taylor

RUNNER UP – Deadly Class (Remender/Craig)

Deadly Class #3
Deadly Class #3

A boy has to have a dream, and if that dream is to kill President Ronald Reagan, who are you to judge? Deadly Class is another awesome Rick Remender book under the Image Comics imprint that follows Marcus Lopez, common street urchin that gets recruited to a school of assassins. It’s relatable because it’s high school, but also not at all because they are constantly murdering each other. The use of color is phenomenal here; Wes Craig likes using vibrant colors to denote violence and danger – which is a majority of the time. The story has gotten continually deeper, and as Remender fleshes out the background stories of the supporting characters, it has only gotten more captivating since the first issue. – Sherif

RUNNER UP – Ms. Marvel (Willow Wilson, )

Ms. Marvel #3
Ms. Marvel #3

I don’t need a comic book character that looks like me to be relatable. If I could relate my childhood struggles to anybody, it wouldn’t be Peter Parker; it would be Kamala Khan. The new Ms. Marvel book, written by Colorado native and Egyptian transplant G. Willow Wilson, follows a normal girl with a good family who is trying to find a way to stretch herself between two cultures. She doesn’t just do battle with baddies, but with all the everyday problems that plague a girl in her position. Aside from the funny Arab-American banter, there is a lot this new generation of comic book readers can learn from a girl like Kamala. – Sherif

 Next Category: Comic Book Mini-Series

Best of 2014: Comic Books – Best Series

Another year is in the books, and we here at Hush Comics couldn’t pass at the chance to rank our favorites of this year’s releases in all types of mediums. Some of the winners will surprise you; heck, some of the results surprised  us. The results are completely subjective, and therefore were chosen with infallible logic. We would love to hear your opinions on what we have chosen, or if you thought we missed anything. This should be a fun review before we gear up for 2015.

hush best of 2014
Click on the link to take you to the “Best of 2014” homepage.

Best Comic Book Series (Monthly On-going)

  • DC Comics – Batman (Scott Snyder & Greg Capullo)
  • Image Comics – Black Science (Rick Remender & Matteo Scalera)
  • Image Comics – Saga (Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples)
  • IDW Comics – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Tom Waltz & Mateo Santolouco/Ross Campbell)
  • Image Comics – The Walking Dead (Robert Kirkman & Charlie Adlard)

WINNER – Batman (Snyder/Capullo)


Let’s be honest; this year belonged to the Batman. Writer Scott Snyder and artist Greg Capullo put out a superior product every month. Not only has Batman been DC’s highest-grossing title every month, but topped the sales charts five months this year (Source: Comichron); the next highest selling on-going series is the rebooted Amazing Spider-Man with two months at the top. In 2014, Batman tackled one of the most mysterious and intimidating parts of the Dark Knight’s lore, the origin, and carved out a place among the Batman legendary tales. Then,  If you are reading this book, you are witnessing history as it is happening. – Sherif

Second Place – Saga (Vaughan/Staples)

Saga Best Book Best of 2014
Saga #22


Saga has been a continuing monthly book with one of the most interesting and original story lines ever to have been published. Brian K. Vaughn and Fiona Staples continue to dominate the science-fiction realm in comics. Brian K. Vaughn continues to show that he is one of the most creatively functional writers in comics today. There are things in Saga that you are guaranteed to not see in any other book ever. Our favorite fugitive family gets mixed up with a wonderfully eccentric theater troupe and Prince Robot IV has a son of his own. Matched up with Fiona Staples’ artwork, there seems to be no real slowing down for Saga; it’s the most creative, original, and beautiful series of the last two years. – Scott

Third Place – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Waltz/Santolouco)

tmnt 41 cover
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #41


This year I have read plenty of different series and there have only bee two that have had me on the edge of my seat waiting for the next issue and the more consistent of the two has been TMNT. This series offers absolutely everything a Turtle fan could want, honestly, as it has dealt with characters and situations from the long history of turtle history, almost like a little bit of a flashback series while also offering something completely new and just as awesome. The main team of Waltz and Santolouco are amazing and of course all the other artists and writers have been just as good making this the most consistently good series of the year to me. But with the Mutanimals coming up in the new year, a giant war against the Krang on the horizon and their crossover adventure with the Ghostbusters not being over yet, I am sure TMNT will continue to be one of my top favorites into 2015. – Jacob

RUNNER UP – The Walking Dead (Kirkman/Adlard)

The Walking Dead #121
The Walking Dead #121

Kirkman’s still got it!!  More than 10 years and going strong!!  The first half of the year was so-so with the conclusion of the All Out War arc.  It was intense that’s for sure, but it was slightly formulaic.  Then came the New Beginning arc, and it blew my face away.  If you can call Kirkman anything, it’s unpredictable!  I buy issue after issue after issue primarily because I NEED to know what happens next!  The undead and the yet-to-be dead have found a happy equilibrium (if you can call it that).  Times are good, but a new foe has reared its head.  And that’s how we know shit is about to do down in a big way.  This constant torrential storm of calm and chaos brings with it an unshakable endearing quality.  I’m a nervous and sweaty wreck in the midst of any conflict or life-threatening situation (which is pretty much all the time) and I’m even more nervous and sweaty when nothing’s happening.  And all I want is more.  Because reading TWD is essentially an addiction now. – Taylor

RUNNER UP – Black Science (Remender/Scalera)

Black Science Book Best of 2014
Black Science #5


First, have you seen the art in this book? Oh my God, it’s good. It’s like something fell out of the ’60s and into the 2060s, then trickled back down to lowly 2014. Second, the story – on the surface it doesn’t seem like much. In fact, it even seems like it’d be hard to take seriously: a scientist builds a machine to visit alternate worlds, it malfunctions, and his team gets stuck. It seems like yet another variation on a story we’ve read a hundred times before, but like all great stories, character makes it stand out. Layers of intrigue slowly emerge: maybe characters aren’t as noble as they seem. Was the machine sabotaged? Why are his children (not even old enough to drive) with him? Did I mention the art? – JH

Next Category: Best Story Arc