Best of 2014: Video Games – Best Network Game/DLC

Another year is in the books, and we here at Hush Comics couldn’t pass at the chance to rank our favorites of this year’s releases in all types of mediums. Some of the winners will surprise you; heck, some of the results surprised  us. The results are completely subjective, and therefore were chosen with infallible logic. We would love to hear your opinions on what we have chosen, or if you thought we missed anything. This should be a fun review before we gear up for 2015.

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Click on the link to take you to the “Best of 2014” homepage.

Best Network Game/DLC

  • inFamous: First Light
  • PixelJunk Shooters
  • Strider
  • TMNT: Out of the Shadows (PS3)
  • Watch Dogs: Bad Blood

WINNER – inFamous: First Light

The first wave of Playstation 4 games were, by and large, underwhelming. There was a bright spot, though, and that was the PS exclusive inFamous: Second Son. Controlling several different powers was awesome, but my favorite was Neon. I felt like the Flash zooming through the city, beating up bad guys. Imagine my delight when the DLC First Light was made available. This wasn’t just a new level; it was it’s own playable game. First Light explores the origin of Fetch, the fiery young woman that helps Delsin defeat the DUP (bad guys) in Second Son. It won’t drastically change Second Son, but it is definitely worthy of your time, especially if you are looking for a game with badass female character – an option lacking in the gaming world. – Sherif

Second Place – TMNT: Out of the Shadows

TMNT Out of the Shadows Best of 2014 Video Games DLC Runner Up

Some of my fondest memories from the arcade as a kid were playing the stupid (only because I kept losing) TMNT side-scrolling game, so any time that a similar concept comes up, I am right there to throw my money at it like a shuriken. Technically, this game was released in 2013, but the PlayStation version didn’t come out til March of this year. The game definitely contains some technical short-comings, one that can’t be overlooked, but if the Turtle Power within you is strong enough, you can enjoy this game for hours. – Sherif

Third Place – Watch Dogs: Bad Blood

Watchdogs Bad Blood Best of 2014 Video Games DLC Runner Up 2

I put in quite a few hours with Watch Dogs; I loved the way that you could dive into any random stranger’s life and find out their darkest secrets. So when I finally got the platinum trophy, I was a little bothered that there was nothing really left to do. That is, until Bad Blood came out. This doesn’t reinvent the wheel, but instead gives you just enough high to keep you invading lives and blowing stuff up, all from the comfort of your own phone. – Sherif

RUNNER UP – Strider

Strider Best of 2014 Video Games DLC Runner Up 4

If you have played the original on PS1, then you have no excuse not to get this. It is a remake of original with upgraded graphics and enhanced gameplay. Anyone with a PS4 had no excuse not to play this because it was free to PS Plus subscribers. This game is worth it just to check out the redesigned Ouroboros boss fight. If you haven’t played this ever, then I can’t recommend it enough, especially for 15 bucks. – Robert

RUNNER UP – PixelJunk Shooters

PixelJunk Shooter Best of 2014 Video Games DLC Runner Up 3

Creativity like this should be rewarded more often. This is yet another game that was free to Playstation Plus owners, and totally worth your time. This game can even be played with two people and involves saving people on an alien planet and solving puzzles. I highly suggest everyone give this game a shot. – Robert


Next Category: Best Collectibles of 2014

Best of 2014: Video Games – Best Console Game

Another year is in the books, and we here at Hush Comics couldn’t pass at the chance to rank our favorites of this year’s releases in all types of mediums. Some of the winners will surprise you; heck, some of the results surprised  us. The results are completely subjective, and therefore were chosen with infallible logic. We would love to hear your opinions on what we have chosen, or if you thought we missed anything. This should be a fun review before we gear up for 2015.

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Click on the link to take you to the “Best of 2014” homepage.

Best Console Game

  • Far Cry 4
  • LEGO Batman 3
  • Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes
  • Shadow of Mordor
  • Watch Dogs

WINNER – Watch Dogs

There are a few things you need to know about me.  Let’s start with the fact that I rarely play video games (other than Diablo) because I get dizzy from the graphics, I’m no good with the vast amounts of controls, and in general, the content doesn’t interest me. Another fact is my slight obsession with being nosy about other people.  Ok, saying I’m nosy was an understatement; I am an internet stalker.  Chances are, I can stay up until 3 in the morning “researching” someone who has piqued my interest, even if I have never met them.  The types of things that pique my interest can range from sex offenders in my neighborhood to some chick who had a cool hairstyle idea on Pinterest.  Lastly, if it weren’t for the fact that I have never had money, I would be in Gambler’s Anonymous.  I find gambling, and particularly poker, exhilarating.  Plus, I’m good at it.  But, alas, I don’t have money to gamble, so I don’t.  What does any of this have to do with the video game of the year?  Everything.  Watch Dogs gives people like me a certain kind of high.  You get to butt into people’s lives via their phone.  And the added perk?  You can silently judge them.  I love silently judging people.  But the best part of Watchdogs is the side games.  There are different poker games going on around the city of Chicago, ranging from low stakes to super stakes.  And who doesn’t love to gamble fake money for the chance to win big in a super stakes game while you sit in your underwear and have your mom order you a pizza?  Everyone loves that shit.  The games are literally all over the city, so you have to find a way there.  Most gamers drive, I’m sure, but remember how I don’t play games or understand the controls?  Let’s be honest, I run to poker.  It’s laughable sure, but I work hard for my fake money. – Adrian

Second Place – Shadows of Mordor

Shadow of Morder Best of 2014 Video Game Runner Up

Finally, a Lord of the Rings game done right. Mix Assassins Creed with Arkham City and you get Mordor. It is infinitely bloodier than both and if you like the LOTR lore, then this will only expand on that. The great thing about this game is that even though it is firmly rooted in that lore, you don’t need to know any of it to enjoy the game or story. Even a basic knowledge of the ring itself and Smeagol will help to enhance the story. This game also looks great on the newer systems, so you finally have an excuse to break out the PS4 or X-Box One. – Robert

Third Place – LEGO Batman 3

Lego Batman 3 Best of 2014 Video Games Runner Up

I honestly can’t see how you would dislike LEGO Batman 3 as it tries to cater to everyone and most of the time succeeds. It has such a massive cast of characters that is still expanding via DLC. The game has a lot of the same game play as past LEGO games, but adds the aspect of the Lantern Planets where it is one globe you usually fly around and do missions outside of the main plot. This game offers up such gems as Polka Dot Man, Green Loontern (Daffy Duck as Green Lantern) and Conan O’Brien even guides you through the game. As far as replayability, this game has a lot; LEGO games always offer a lot to fans of whatever they are covering as they throw in little jokes only comic fans will get but new fans will enjoy on top of little references like Weeping Angels from Doctor Who. LEGO Batman 3 made me nerd out so much every single time a new level came up or I would unlock a new character. – Jacob

RUNNER UP – Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes

Metal Gear Solid 5 Best of 2014 Video Games Runner Up

Solid Snake is back with a new numbered sequel, at least the intro to a new numbered. But even if it’s not the true Metal Gear Solid V, which comes out in 2015, it’s still a strong game with the usual unique and creative story and unmatched game play mechanics. MGS5 is surprisingly like another game in the past, like Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. You take over as Big Boss again but in another surprising variation this first part of a numbered sequel is more of a sequel to Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, originally released on the PSP. For the first time in the series, David Hayter isn’t the voice Solid Snake; instead Kojima Productions went after a big name and picked up Keifer Sutherland to voice the iconic character. Sutherland does more than an adequate job brings some different life to Snake. Ground Zeroes isn’t as lengthy as the other games in the series, but it’s used primarily has an introduction to the full fledged MGS5: The Phantom Pain. The stealth gameplay is what we know and love and the graphics are more outstanding than any previous entry. Kojima took an interesting turn by adding in a little more action than previous titles also. Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes is a great mix of stealth and action with fun side missions for a little extra flavor. Maybe shorten the name though. – Scott

RUNNER UP – Far Cry 4

Far Cry 4 Best of 2014 Video Games Runner Up

Think about the best open-world FPS game you’ve ever played. Now, imagine yourself in that game, riding an elephant into battle while shooting enemies in with flaming (or exploding, whatever floats your boat) arrows. Ladies and gentlemen, Far Cry 4. Expanding upon the formula of Far Cry 3, this installment has more dangerous wildlife and more deadly enemies. To boot, the co-op campaign is lots of fun, as are the quick matches and user-created Map Browser ensure hours of fun. Liberate a country? Suuure. Save the people? Whatever. Just give me a freaking flamethrower and point me in the direction of the nearest rhino. – Sherif


Next Category: Best Network Game/DLC

Best of 2014: Music – Single of the Year

Another year is in the books, and we here at Hush Comics couldn’t pass at the chance to rank our favorites of this year’s releases in all types of mediums. Some of the winners will surprise you; heck, some of the results surprised  us. The results are completely subjective, and therefore were chosen with infallible logic. We would love to hear your opinions on what we have chosen, or if you thought we missed anything. This should be a fun review before we gear up for 2015.

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Click on the link to take you to the “Best of 2014” homepage.

Single of the Year

  • Hozier – “Take Me to Church”
  • Kendrick Lamar – “i”
  • Kiesza – “Hideaway”
  • Michael Jackson & Justin Timberlake – “Love Never Felt So Good”
  • Pharrell – “Happy”

WINNER – Hozier: “Take Me to Church”

What else can I say about the most “Shazam”ed song of the year that you don’t know already?  Not much.  But I can say these few things:  it’s catchy as hell, it isn’t exactly about going to church, and the Kiesza cover is to die for. – Adrian

Second Place – Michael Jackson & Justin Timberlake: “Love Never Felt So Good”

When I started coming up with ideas for the bet fantasy concerts in history, a duet with Michael Jackson and Justin Timberlake was near the top of my list. Thankfully, we don’t need to rely on expensive holograms and Coachella to make this symphonic pairing a reality, as this catchy ode to the King of Pop we once knew has done the hard work for us. – Sherif

Third Place – Kendrick Lamar: “i”

Kendrick Lamar strikes again. After feeling depressed and a sense of hopelessness, Kendrick released the song ‘i“ to let all those people feeling the same way that they are worth it. If anything this song has taught me that no matter how hard life kicks your ass and people cheer your struggle, I love myself. – Evan

RUNNER UP – Pharrell: “Happy”

Pharrell’s new single this year was the catchiest tune not named “Let it Go.” This song outweighed other songs for a multitude of reasons. The song did precisely what it was meant to – make people Happy. There are so many songs on the radio in which a certain audience would find it appealing while others wouldn’t, but everybody loved “Happy,” at least the first hundred times your heard it. Thanks to some heavy play on Despicable Me 2, children of all ages loved Pharrell’s hit – even more so than the parents that took them there. Its lack of vulgar language and positive message both put it at the top of my list, and many other lists throughout the year. – Josiah

RUNNER UP – Kiesza: “Hideaway”

Welcome back, 90’s! This Canadian songstress has brought back dance with this track that she created in just a couple hours, breaking her way onto the charts and helping to create a distinct sound for her breakthrough album Sounds of a Woman. Fun fact: Kiesza broke a rib right before filming the music video for “Hideaway,” just to clear up any misconception about how much of a badass she is. – Sherif


Next Category: Best of 2014 Video Games

Best of 2014: Music – Album of the Year

Another year is in the books, and we here at Hush Comics couldn’t pass at the chance to rank our favorites of this year’s releases in all types of mediums. Some of the winners will surprise you; heck, some of the results surprised  us. The results are completely subjective, and therefore were chosen with infallible logic. We would love to hear your opinions on what we have chosen, or if you thought we missed anything. This should be a fun review before we gear up for 2015.

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Click on the link to take you to the “Best of 2014” homepage.

Album of the Year

  • Childish Gambino’s Stone Mountain/Kauai
  • Kiesza’s Sound of a Woman
  • Pharoahe Monch’s P.T.S.D.
  • The Root’s …And Then You Shoot Your Cousin
  • Sam Smith’s In the Lonely Hour

WINNER – Pharoahe MonchP.T.S.D.

If you’ve been following Hush Comics’ “Diggin’ Through the Crates” articles, then there is no surprise when I tell you that we are BIG fans of this man. Forget for a moment that he frequents our site for his comic book wisdom, Pharoahe Monch is is the most powerful poet of this generation. His latest record, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, is a compilation that touches on ground-level socio-political issues like drug addiction (“Broken Again” and gun violence “Damage,” but also exudes excellence through bravado on “Bad M.F.” There is not a rapper alive that can touch Pharoahe lyrically, and P.T.S.D. is just a friendly reminder. – Sherif

Second Place – Childish Gambino: STNMTN-Kauai

Yes everybody, Childish Gambino is still weird, but we love him for it. Being a fan of both Camp and because the internet, I was quite excited to hear this combo album-ish mixtape… thingy. I don’t know exactly what Gambino hopes or desires from his craft, but STNMTN-Kauai was a pleasant mix of his first two albums. Yes, it was filled with melodies and soothing sounds, but it was also filled with genuine rap lyrics. Is Gambino finding a happy medium, or will the experiments continue? STNMTN had me grooving and bumping my shoulders side to side, and Kauai made my heart full believing I was getting a small glimpse into Gambino’s thoughts and feelings. There was also a genius to the album’s marketing when he released STNMTN for free, and Kauai as a cheap EP on iTunes. No matter what side of the album I was listening to, one thing was clear, this music made me feel good, even the weird tracks with Jaden Smith. – Evan

Third Place – The Roots: …And Then You Shoot Your Cousin

Since joining Jimmy Fallon, the Legendary Roots Crew has been relatively quiet on the music scene. After an odd collaboration album with Elvis Costello in 2013, The Roots continued their departure from their signature Hip-Hop sound with a concept album called …And Then You Shoot Your Cousin. In this album, all bets are off, and it’s likely you won’t even recognize these as the same Roots that you grew up with. To me, that is the allure of &TYSYC. Clocking in less than 35 minutes in total length, the album is best treated much better as a continuous experience (much like Childish Gambino’s because the internet was last year) than a full-length Hip-Hop album. Even if The Roots’ play is limited to xylophone remixes of pop songs on the Tonight Show, And Then You Shoot Your Cousin is proof that they still reign supreme as artists. – Sherif

RUNNER UP – Sam Smith: In the Lonely Hour

Are you a sad, lonely man? Do you wish there was an artist and an album out there that spoke upon your problems? Are you ready to feel all the feelings? Of course you are! Well, in that case, Sam Smith’s new album, In the Lonely Hour, is perfect for you and your emotions. Lots of albums come out every year, some of them are decent, many of them suck, and very few of them are ones to remember. Sam Smith is one of those albums to remember. Throughout all 16 tracks, I never felt like skipping any of the song, not once. Probably one of the things I appreciated most about this album was how it felt real. It felt like the truth and Sam Smith genuinely was expressing his thoughts and feelings. A lot of new artist try to make a huge statement upon their arrival by creating a crazy club hit with lots of sounds and intense lyrics. However, his breakout hit “Stay with Me,” was not flashy in the least bit. It was not over the top or extravagant. It was simply Sam Smith. – Evan

RUNNER UP – Kiesza: Sound of A Woman

Mix 90’s House with Hip-Hop and you get this amazing album. The music video for her first single, “Hideaway,” has been out for a few months now, but her song is just now starting to hit the radio (at least on our state’s stations) . Listening to this album brought me back to all the good things I remember about the music of the 90’s and you can tell how heavily she was influenced by it; from En Vogue to Haddaway, she has a little something for everyone. I never actually realized I didn’t know the words to “What is Love” until I listened to her cover for it. My experience from it was solely form Night at the Roxbury and the morning announcements at our high school. The greatest song on this album is definitely “Piano” and everyone reading this should listen to that song if they were only going to pick one try out. – Robert


Next Category: Single of the Year

Best of 2014: Music – Best New Artist

Another year is in the books, and we here at Hush Comics couldn’t pass at the chance to rank our favorites of this year’s releases in all types of mediums. Some of the winners will surprise you; heck, some of the results surprised  us. The results are completely subjective, and therefore were chosen with infallible logic. We would love to hear your opinions on what we have chosen, or if you thought we missed anything. This should be a fun review before we gear up for 2015.

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Best New Artist

  • Charli XCX
  • Jhene Aiko
  • Kiesza
  • Sam Smith
  • Sia

WINNER – Sam Smith

SAM SMITH IS MY SPIRIT ANIMAL!!! After initially hearing Sam Smith for the first time with his breakout hit, “Stay With Me,” I had several thoughts. Who is this sad, sad man? How come I haven’t listened to this song 100 times by now? And, why am I crying in the shower with all my clothes on? Sam Smith brings something to the table other artists do not. Although it is more than common to sing of love, loss, and heartbreak, Sam Smith does it in the clearest most honest way I’ve heard in a long time. When hearing him sing, I don’t think to myself, “these are celebrity famous people problems,” rather these are the problems of the common man. Sam Smith brings a voice and a melody to those individuals facing the same problems, yet have no idea how to articulate it. 2014 was a little more enjoyable due to Sam Smith, let’s hope he 2015 comes with the same shine. – Evan

Second Place – Jhene Aiko

This soulful songstress first made her way into my aural cavities was on Childish Gambino’s “Pretty Toes” last year. I instantly fell in love with her voice. R&B is a barren wasteland these days. I mean sure, you have your Frank Oceans and your Janelle Monaes, but Jhene Aiko is reminiscent of when R&B was just… sexy. Though her voice is unique, I am instantly reminded of a softer version of Cassie and Amerie. Just ten years ago, a style like that was a dime a dozen, but now it is a breath of fresh air on these tired ears. – Sherif

Third Place – Kiesza

Let’s face it, guys, aside from a slew of respectable one-hit wonders, 2014 has been a pretty crappy year for new music. As I went through and listed by favorite songs of the year, I came across the music video for Kiesza’s (I’m still unsure how to pronounce the name) “Hideaway,” and I was blown away. Further into the YouTube rabbit hole we go, I found a magical journey of continual aural pleasure. This album will take you back to the early 90’s, where house music and rhythmic dance reigned supreme. It’s rare to see an artist who looks like they enjoy what they do as much as I enjoy listening it, and I hope we get to enjoy her for years more to come. Fun Fact: Kiesza has a cover of Hozier’s “Take Me To Church” that is pretty darn great. – Sherif


It wasn’t until  stood in our dining room with a 30 lb light fixture in my hands that I really appreciated Sia. As I struggled to match the pitch of “Chandelier,” or as I was wailing, “Shan-de-leh-heeeeeer,” I realized what a talented singer she was. Now, calling her a “new” artist is nothing short of a lie; the Aussie singer has been around for over a decade, morphing her style from a jazzy R&B to the popular sound that has made her an international sensation. – Sherif


Charli XCX is just plain fun! I listen to “Boom Clap” nearly every morning on my way to class and that British accent is to die for. Charli XCX makes me want to dance around my room all day and the fact that she’s only two years older than I am (she’s 22)  is pretty damn impressive. With an early Madonna feel mixed with her own spooky, modern jam tone, Charli XCX’s name started to get big with her feature on Iggy Azalea’s “Fancy.” She really blew up when she lent her song “Boom Clap” to The Fault in Our Stars‘ Soundtrack. “Boom Clap” is a fan favorite for Fault Fanatics and Nerdfighters worldwide. Released as the album’s first single, it peaked at number 8 on the Billboard Hot 100 and also charted as number 6 on the UK Singles Chart. One thing that I found particularly interesting about Charli XCX is that she has synesthesia, meaning that she sees music in different colors. “I love music that’s black, pink, purple or red – but I hate music that’s green, yellow or brown.” Whatever color her music is, I absolutely love it. – Charlotte

Next Category: Album of the Year

Best of 2014: Music – Best Movie Soundtrack

Another year is in the books, and we here at Hush Comics couldn’t pass at the chance to rank our favorites of this year’s releases in all types of mediums. Some of the winners will surprise you; heck, some of the results surprised  us. The results are completely subjective, and therefore were chosen with infallible logic. We would love to hear your opinions on what we have chosen, or if you thought we missed anything. This should be a fun review before we gear up for 2015.

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Click on the link to take you to the “Best of 2014” homepage.

Best Movie Soundtrack

  • Chef
  • The Fault in Our Stars
  • Guardians of the Galaxy
  • Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1
  • Wish I Was Here

WINNER – Guardians of the Galaxy: Awesome Mix Vol 1

Guardians of the Galaxy definitely had the best soundtrack of the year, and the best part of that is that it didn’t include a single song that was produced or released in 2014. All of the songs on Star Lord’s Awesome Mix: Volume 1 gave so much more life to the movie (not that it really needed it) and the fact that it’s only the first volume of what must be a series is hilarious, AND that it’s comprised of music that seemingly was made a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away is just awesome. If anything, the Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack did its part for pop culture this year by hopefully introducing an entire generation of One Direction fans to the glories of classic rock. Oh how I long for the days when the sounds that came out of the radio qualified as music… – Keriann

Second Place – Chef

Nothing has made me happier and more inspired in 2014 than this soundtrack. Every time I am in a bit of a rut creatively, I throw on this album, and I am instantly productive. Like in the film, the music reflects the happiness that Chef Casper feels throughout the film as he does what he loves. It’s also incredibly diverse, as the flavor (haaa) of each genre in the soundtrack is the reflection of whichever city they are traveling to, form the LA progressive version of Wu Tang’s “C.R.E.A.M.” to the Latin-inspired “A Message to You, Rudy” to my personal favorite, the New Orleans brass band rendition of Marvin Gaye’s “Sexual Healing.” There’s something for everybody here in this variety platter of child (and old person)-friendly soundtrack that is every bit as upbeat as the movie. – Sherif

Third Place –The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1

At first, this seemed to be like any other action film soundtrack (purpose being to blend into the background a tad while still enhancing the tone of each scene of the film). It wasn’t at all special up until the part with the “Hanging Tree” song. The entire sound to the movie began to revolve around that simple, yet catchy song. Instantly, each scene that played it or any variations of it became instantly personal to the viewer. Later I began to hum it to myself consistently, making me look back to the emotion wrenching scenes took place at the start of that score. That what a good soundtrack should do, enrich the film and make it even more memorable than it was. I loved it, and might buy the soundtrack for myself. – Jojo

RUNNER UP – The Fault in Our Stars

I am constantly listening to this soundtrack. It seems to have a song for every occasion on it. Need to get pumped? Play “Bomfalleralla” immediately. Need a minute to just cry? Play “All of the Stars,” lay out in the backyard and gaze up at the stars. Wanna dance around your apartment in your underwear? Put on “Boom Clap” and go to town! And for you fellow writers out there, TFIOS has great music that won’t interrupt your thoughts as you type out the next great American Novel. This soundtrack doesn’t include score from the film, but seeing as most of The Fault in Our Stars is not score, you’re not missing anything by them not having it on there. Like I said in my review of the album back in June, “This album is definitely one you want in your music library… whether or not you’ve seen the movie. It is full of songs either to soothe your broken heart or get you jamming on a bright Summer day.” – Charlotte

RUNNER UP – Wish I Was Here

Zach Braff’s crowd-funded indy film, Wish I Was Here, was just as every bit beautiful and reflective as his first film, Garden State. This was one of the only indy films I can remember with an all-original soundtrack – and most of the tracks are used at one point or another in the film, driving home that extra dose of feels that the movie sent you home with. If indy music like The Shins, Bon Iver and “a whole bunch of other bands I’ve never heard of” are your thing, then you may want to give Wish I Was Here a listen. – Sherif

Next Category: Best New Artist

Best of 2014: TV – Best Anime

Another year is in the books, and we here at Hush Comics couldn’t pass at the chance to rank our favorites of this year’s releases in all types of mediums. Some of the winners will surprise you; heck, some of the results surprised  us. The results are completely subjective, and therefore were chosen with infallible logic. We would love to hear your opinions on what we have chosen, or if you thought we missed anything. This should be a fun review before we gear up for 2015.

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Click on the link to take you to the “Best of 2014” homepage.

Best Anime

  • Attack on Titan
  • Kill la Kill
  • Parasyte
  • Psycho-Pass
  • Sword Art Online

Check out the full details by visiting our podcast HERE!

Next Category: Best Music of 2014

Best of 2014: TV – Best Character

Another year is in the books, and we here at Hush Comics couldn’t pass at the chance to rank our favorites of this year’s releases in all types of mediums. Some of the winners will surprise you; heck, some of the results surprised  us. The results are completely subjective, and therefore were chosen with infallible logic. We would love to hear your opinions on what we have chosen, or if you thought we missed anything. This should be a fun review before we gear up for 2015.

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Click on the link to take you to the “Best of 2014” homepage.

Best Characters on TV

  • Carol (The Walking Dead)
  • Felicity (Arrow)
  • The Inquisitor (Star Wars Rebels)
  • Jax (Sons of Anarchy)
  • Troy and Abed (Community)

WINNER – Troy and Abed (Community)

Yep, you read that correctly; Troy and Abed from Community are one. The connection these two have could send peanut butter and jelly to couples counseling. Before being canceled by the idiots at NBC, the same idiots that almost canceled Constantine not too long ago, Troy and Abed said goodbye to one another in one of the saddest moments of television I can remember. The series wasn’t over, but a part of the show’s spirit died a little when Troy boarded the Childish Tycoon with LeVar Burton and left Greendale. Gone are the pillow forts, Dreamatorium and tandem Halloween costumes. No one character is bigger than the show, but these two definitely were. – Sherif

Second Place – Carol (The Walking Dead)

Carol TWD Best of 2014 TV Series Character Runner Up 1

Carol Peletier on The Walking Dead is a one-woman arsenal.  She blew up Terminus by herself!  She gunned down Denise Crosby with no qualms!  She shot Lizzie with some qualms!  Carol has had the most character development in the series, and between the end of season four and the beginning of season five, it has become clear that this is not the same women whose husband beat her in season one.  But Carol also revealed her sensitive side (to Daryl, of course), proving that she is more than a machine, she is a human. – Adrian

Third Place – The Inquisitor (Star Wars Rebels)

The Inquisitor Best of 2014 TV Series Character Runner Up

So everyone is making a big deal about the three pronged broadsword-lightsaber wielded by the mysterious dark figure in the recently released Episode VII teaser trailer.  That’s fine and all, but if anyone should be making a big deal about any lightsaber it should be The Inquisitor’s lightsaber.  Have you seen that thing?!  No?!  Google it right now!  DO IT!  Better yet, watch Rebels and tape your eyelids open during any moment The Inquisitor is on screen.  Talk about a lethal and lovable character.  Here’s a list of words and phrases that describe The Inquisitor: awesome, scary, charming, charismatic, powerful, limber, has really cool outfits/gear, deep understanding of the force, cunning, has really sharp teeth, good posture, and deadly with a lightsaber.  In many fewer words The Inquisitor is bad-ass.  His actions in just a few short episode of Rebels has firmly placed him as one of the coolest force-sensitive bad guys among the stars.  That’s why we nominated him for best character of the year.  Be afraid rebels.  Be very afraid. – Taylor

RUNNER UP – Jax (Sons of Anarchy)

Jax Teller Best of 2014 TV Series Character Runner Up

From day one, Jackson “Jax” Teller has stay true to two things and two things only, his family, and his club. Although, he has constantly struggled with the angels and demons climbing up his shoulders, he would sooner meet the Reaper before allowing harm to come his “sons.” It has been poetic in nature to see Jax mature and grow through the years. Balancing between who he wants to be and who he truly is, regardless of where his character finished, his love was unwavering. No one through out the series has loved as hard as Jax, and it’s hard to believe anyone could ever match his level of love.  Jax was a bad man who loved hard, and followed his truths though thick and thin. – Evan

RUNNER UP – Felicity (Arrow)

Felicity Smoak Best of 2014 TV Series Character Runner Up 4

Everyone loves Felicity. Sometimes I think fans like her more than they do Oliver. Hell, if it was just Felicity with her own show I would be all over that. Sometimes I fantasize she’s the Oracle and I get my Birds of Prey show. I mean, the show keeps highlighting the clock tower, Laurel is becoming Black Canary, so maybe we can redeem the Huntress and have a fucking awesome kickass female fronted superhero show.Also, I’m sorry but I have to talk about her fashion. Her dresses… I want them! Or rather I want her tailor. Anyway, I digress. I think the other aspect that so many fans are drawn too is the alternative to a strong female character. I like a woman who can kick ass along with everyone else, but that’s not me. I am the woman behind a computer who uses my words to fight, which is just as valuable if more than a pair of fists. For Felicity, her power is not what’s under her dress, nor in the shape of her fist but rather her mind and her intelligence. And that’s why so many of us want her with Oliver, because she the sidekick the one who saves him through her ingenuity. Not to mention she’s a role model for all the girl programmers out there who want to do what she does. The more we see these smart savvy women in media the more women will feel comfortable pursuing their dreams.  – Jené

Next Category: Best Anime

Best of 2014: TV – Best Sitcom

Another year is in the books, and we here at Hush Comics couldn’t pass at the chance to rank our favorites of this year’s releases in all types of mediums. Some of the winners will surprise you; heck, some of the results surprised  us. The results are completely subjective, and therefore were chosen with infallible logic. We would love to hear your opinions on what we have chosen, or if you thought we missed anything. This should be a fun review before we gear up for 2015.

hush best of 2014
Click on the link to take you to the “Best of 2014” homepage.

Best TV Sitcom

  • Big Bang Theory
  • Brooklyn 9-9
  • Community
  • How I Met Your Mother
  • Parks and Recreations

WINNER – Community (NBC)

Season five of what might be the smartest sitcom to ever appear on TV marks the return of Dan Harmon, the plucky creator and head writer. Perhaps one of the best things about this season is the reference to season four as the “year of the gas leak” – an effective way to signify to the audience that, yes, things ran poorly in Dan’s absence, but the guys that took over did things as best they could no matter how widely they missed the mark. Season five felt surreal: by far the darkest with episodes mimicking a David Fincher movie, a Logan’s Run style dystopia, a Waterworld style Floor is Lava world, not to mention the suspicious absence of Chevy Chase and Donald Glover’s departure from the show. But despite all that, it continued to be the smartest funny show, and the one show I eagerly anticipated every week. #sixseasonsandamovie – Cuyler

Second Place – Big Bang Theory (CBS)

Big Bang Theory Best of 2014 TV Series Sitcom Runner Up 1

This is a series that people say keeps getting worse, but I have to disagree; it really is more of the same, and I love it. I don’t know what more people expect from this show, it is as hilarious now as it was when it started six seasons ago. Through the various plot advancements to that ever-looming moment of Amy and Sheldon having coitus (not this season but it is coming), things are moving along nicely for the characters. Unfortunately, I can’t see it lasting too many more seasons so enjoy them while you can. – Robert

Third Place – Brooklyn Nine-Nine (FOX)

Brooklyn Nine-Nine Best of 2014 TV Series Sitcom Runner Up 2

Fresh off winning two Golden Globe Awards early in the year, one for Andy Samberg as best actor and another for the series as best Comedy/Musical, Brooklyn Nine-Nine is at it again. Of all the funny shows that made our list this year, this is the only show that is still in its infancy, and only one other one will likely still be going in a year (Big Bang). It’s great to see a new sitcom take the spotlight for once and make me laugh in ways that other shows really don’t. Plus, the detective work by Samberg’s Jake Peralta is actually really interesting, putting it so far beyond stupid cop shows like Reno 911 or other parodies of the like. This show will be one to keep an eye on, as a cast and concept like this can only continue to blossom. – Sherif

RUNNER UP – Parks and Recreation (NBC)

Parks & Recreation Best of 2014 TV Series Sitcom Runner Up

I love everybody and everything!  That’s how Parks and Rec makes me feel.  It’s one of the most entertaining and feel good shows of the last decade.  Watching Leslie Knope, Ron Swanson, Andy Dwyer and the whole crew manage the Pawnee Parks & Rec Department, political relationships and their lives was something I looked forward to every week.  This show exemplifies excellent comedic writing.  This was evident in how hilarious EVERY character is.  And I don’t just mean the primary cast.  The peripheral council members, auxiliary government workers, the town’s people (oh the town’s people!!) were all gut wrenchingly hilarious.  I was crushed at the end of the series not knowing what the future had in store for this corner stone series.  I was then uncrushed at the announcement of the final Season 7!  We were left with a bit of a teaser in the last 60 seconds of the season finale and I’m anxious to see how and if that sequence plays a part in the upcoming season.  What’s certain though is we’re set to have more great and hilarious times next year. – Taylor

RUNNER UP – How I Met Your Mother (CBS)

Last Forever Part One

Oh how I miss this show! HIMYM is the only sitcom I’ve ever really gotten into. It’s the characters that make it so wonderfully engaging. Each of them are extremely dynamic with their own set of morals, motivation, and passion. Having been on the air for almost a decade, it was really hard to watch this show go in March. A big part of me wanted Ted to be perpetually single just so television wouldn’t lose such a brilliant, well-written, and beautifully executed show. With three Whedonverse actors, it’s no wonder this show lasted so long. It will be sad to start another year without the Five Brosketeers, but we are glad we had them for the time we did. – Charlotte

Next Category: Best Characters on TV

Best of 2014: TV – Best Animated Series

Another year is in the books, and we here at Hush Comics couldn’t pass at the chance to rank our favorites of this year’s releases in all types of mediums. Some of the winners will surprise you; heck, some of the results surprised  us. The results are completely subjective, and therefore were chosen with infallible logic. We would love to hear your opinions on what we have chosen, or if you thought we missed anything. This should be a fun review before we gear up for 2015.

hush best of 2014
Click on the link to take you to the “Best of 2014” homepage.

Best Animated TV Series

  • Archer (FX)
  • Bob’s Burgers (FOX)
  • ChoZen (FX)
  • Legend of Korra (Nickelodeon)
  • Star Wars Rebels (Disney XD)

WINNER – Bob’s Burgers (FOX)

“Hello and welcome to Bob’s Burgers. The burger of the day is the “child molester”—it comes with candy.” — Louise Belcher. I freaking love this cartoon. It has become something special that my mother and I get excited about watching together whenever I’m in town. I have to restrain myself from watching it without her while I’m away at school. I usually give in to temptation. The dialogue is witty, the characters complex and beautifully quirky, and the dynamics between them both hilarious and heartwarming. I can never pick a favorite character from this show; it changes constantly. Bob never fails to make me laugh with his frustration over his family and the town. I love Linda’s Queens accent (“Can I get you some cwaffe?) and quirky love for her family. I love Tina’s dry humor and pubescent shenanigans. Gene’s complete disregard for tact makes me laugh constantly and Louise is a fearless leader with some of the best lines in the show. If you haven’t seen Bob’s Burgers, you’re missing out. – Charlotte

Second Place – The Legend of Korra (Nickelodeon)

legend of korra -best-of-2014-tv-series-animated-runner-up

This year has certainly been kind to Korra. Season 3 and 4 (both aired in 2014) have been the highlights of the entire series. Season one was a decent start, although many would agree that it was not what it could have been, and the only lore for season two was the insight into the Avatar universe history (it definitely wasn’t all the mind numbing love drama). However, this year was packed full of interesting villains and challenging obstacles. The re-introduction of an air bending nation, and thus the freeing of four deranged and dangerous benders left us all awed. The fight scenes alone should have won everyone over, but if that wasn’t enough, there was lava bending, the return of Toph, new characters, crazy death scenes, a gay avatar, and a weapon of mass-destruction! If you haven’t watched Legend  of Korra at all, this year’s seasons are the ones to catch up on. Hopefully they keep going, and translate this momentum into the next avatar. – Sara

Third Place – Archer (FX)


Now referred to as Archer Vice, the group at ISIS starts the season trying to unload a whole lot of cocaine in Miami. It turns out, to no surprise, that Mallory, the always diabolically hilarious Jessica Walters, isn’t exactly on the up and up with the legality of ISIS. The season revolves around the group attempting to unload the cocaine. This season has a lot of really fun episodes plots, people go to rehab, some are captured by police in Columbia and have to make their way through the jungle, revolutions, clones and country music! The cast is as funny as ever and the comedy is, as always, some of the best on television. Now I patiently await the arrival of Season 6. – Scott

RUNNER UP – Chozen (FX)

chozen best of 2014 animated tv show runner up

Gay white rapper released from prison attempts to resurrect rap career. Okay, so when you say it like that, I can see why it got canceled after its first and only season. To me, though, this show was about much more than rockin that spot between yo butts and yo nuts. It was about respecting yourself, and having fun with what you do. Really though, this show was just the right amount of ridiculousness; it wasn’t afraid to make fun of real issues, and damn sure wasn’t afraid to make fun of itself. I haven’t laughed this hard at a show since Ugly Americans. – Sherif

RUNNER UP – Star Wars Rebels (Disney XD)

Star Wars Rebels Best of 2014 TV Series Animated Runner Up

It’s been a big year for Star Wars.  Drawing ever closer to the un-quantifiably anticipated Episode VII film release, Disney is working hard to rekindle the original spark that set the late 70’s ablaze with adventures of a galaxy far, far away.  More than working hard, Disney is working smart!  Instead of immediately bombarding the world with superfluous content, they took nearly two years to bring us something that would do justice to the universe so many of us love and cherish.  Mission accomplished.  Star Wars Rebels is an animated series that explore the events that take place between Episode III and Episode IV through the eyes of a small band of rebels.  This band will eventually team up with other impactful figures of the age to form the Rebel Alliance.  Because I promised myself I wouldn’t gush, I’ll only say this: as a die-hard fan of the franchise, I’m very pleased with how this series has started.  The plot is meaningful and events are rooted in core Star Wars themes.  The series starts up again early 2015 and a second season is already in the works.  If you want to be a part of the thrill ride that is certain to continue for years to come, be sure to add Rebels to your queue. – Taylor

Next Category: Best TV Sitcoms