Weekend Wrap-Up… February 9, 2014

Ubisoft is re-releasing the original Far Cry on the PlayStation and X-Box Live networks this week.  If you are the girlfriend of a gamer, you should plan on not seeing them over Valentine’s.  Just a tip.

Yoshi’s Island and the 3DS are being sold as a bundle.  Slurp!

Flappy Birds ended as quickly as it began.  So long people who won’t talk to you because they are too busy tapping their phones like madmen.

Sonic is going to be a television show on Cartoon Network.  It will be fully CGI and they kinda look weird.  Honest opinion.  Check out more here.

Batman is back.  More than likely, there will be a new Arkham game released.

Kotobukyia is pretty much the best in figures right now.  So it only makes sense that they are releasing new Arkham figures.

The Age of Ultron will feature MIss Marvel.  They also cast The Vision.  Assemble!!!

Will Smith declined to star in the Independence Day sequel.  Now how will we survive the alien invasion?!

The novel Redshirts is being adapted into a mini-series on FX.  Sci-fi nerds will have to wait for this one though, because it looks like the series still needs a writer.

A little late, but Huey Freeman will be gracing your screen again.  Season 4 of The Boondocks premieres April 21st.

The new series Gotham cast its Jim Gordon.  Ladies will definitely approve.

Zombeavers is destined to be the film of our generation.  And the tagline is truly amazing, “You’ll all be dammed!”

Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg are developing a show for AMC based off the comic series Preacher.

The Olympics are happening.  And its super controversial.  But take the time to watch this.

Oh, and The Walking Dead premieres tonight.  Read our predictions here.

written by Adrian Puryear and Sherif Elkhatib