Grant Morrison is Going to Ruin Christmas With “Klaus”

Grant Morrison, who just wrapped up DC Comics’ Multiversity run in April 2015, has announced that he will be collaborating with BOOM! Studios to bring Klaus to shelves this November.

Before you let good old Saint Nick down your chimney, don’t you want to know who this shady foreigner REALLY is? Klaus serves as an origin story/Earth 2 version of the jolly fellow. Morrison is at his best when he gets to make his own version of a character, not shackled to an archetype with no room for translation. The focus of Klaus is not to shock and disturb – although it’s not something I’d get my mom for Christmas. It seems like a genuine attempt to at least make Santa relevant, “cool,” and forgive me – even a bit of a badass. instead of the fat old gift-giver he’s grown to be.

klaus grant morrison
Image credited to

Joining Morrison will be artist Dan Mora, whose digital art is some of the best in the industry. Check more about him here.

In today’s comic book industry, where every single character needs an origin story, it’s easy to brush Klaus off as malarkey. However, the fact that Grant Morrison is writing it means it’s got to have some substance… right? Keep a look-out for this to be coming to stores this November.

Source: CBR